
the quest for paradise

i'm sitting on a plane headed to the promised land… well, ok, just the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. 

It's just that i've at this moment realized how i'm seeking a return to simplicity. 

there's a comic strip on my fridge about 2 young adult ladies spending the afternoon 'together' on their computers and reminiscing about childhood and how life has gotten 'better' with gadgets. the next frame shows them blowing bubbles outside together obviously enjoying themselves a WHOLE lot more. it's true, isn't it?

i'm listening to 'Glitter in the Air' by Pink and thought that throwing a fistful of glitter into the air sounds really inviting right now. 
the abandon of spontaneity.

And Lake Superior? it's the epitome of vacation - leisure. It's where I've always felt most alive. Abandoned to spontaneity, to my true self, to what my self desires and loves. It's SO time to go back. 

I've obviously been absent from the blog for the past few weeks - guess I have been enjoying life too much. In reality, I have been. I do feel alive, thankful, content, happy with where my life is right now. just one problem…

I've had a yeast infection for 3 months that will NOT go away. I'd like to think it has nothing to do with it, but could it be in part due to my surrender of struggling with food? i don't judge myself anymore for what i eat… is this the answer, though?

I must admit, this part of my life has been about the MOST frustrating thing i've ever had to deal with. I feel like I have tried everything and still it won't go away. It's wreaking havoc and there's absolutely nothing more i can do about it but continue to try new things. yeah, FRUSTRATING. 

i feel like i've been doing really well with my goal of being present in each moment of the day and intentionally staying in those moments and not trying to 'leave' with food. but i don't know. i think once i kick this infection i will have to reevaluate. i certainly do best when i don't have 'rules' and rather choose what is BEST but maybe that will have to change for my health. It sucks. 

Anyways, I am looking forward to 5 days of sitting on the beach with my UGGS-sketchbook and pencil in hand watching the sun set over the most magical lake i know… I'll let you know what faraway places it takes me to ;)

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