this page is a photographical archive documenting the journey i've travelled towards a healthy weight and lifestyle over the past 10 years. i hope that it can be an encouragement that your goals ARE possible, with the right intentions and actions to better your environment and life, and i hope that some of the musings on my blog can be useful motivation and insight.
from losing the initial 20lbs to the last 10lbs to gaining it all back in baby weight and losing it again... i hope you can find inspiration for whatever stage of your journey YOU may be in!
this was for my sisters wedding in 2003- near the very beginning of my struggle with hyperinsulinemia and PCOS (not yet diagnosed)
this is early 2006 for my college graduation. i'd been diagnosed for about a year...
this is in New Zealand in early 2007 with my friend, Amanda, getting ready to go skydiving!
this is in the middle of 2007... still struggling to lose the weight from my medical condition
my wedding day January 2008!! i lost a lot of weight due to being very sick for the month prior. i had a LOT of muscle to regain after the honeymoon. (i DON'T like being weak! haha)
kayaking with friends, early Summer 2009, with extra muscle and less useless weight after discovering KETTLEBELLS! my key exercise method for weightloss/maintenance.
September 2009 in Normandy
January 2011 in Savannah for New Years
last girls trip to Mexico! i surprisingly got pregnant just about 1 month later!!
about 5 weeks pregnant
14 weeks preggo on our unintentional "Babymoon" in Ireland
about 4 months pregnant
5 1/2 months pregnant
7 1/2 months pregnant
2 weeks Post Partum
2 months Post Partum
with my brother and his family; 3 months Post Partum
5 months Post Partum and healthier than EVER!!