
If ignorance is bliss I wish I were ignorant

well, as many of you who are moms know, time flies by at just rapid speeds as the years progress- a fact of life that is made all too evident when children come into the picture.

i can't quite believe little guy is already 4 1/2 months old <sigh>. i feel like he has tripled his size and just completely morphed into his own little being. it's so amazing to me how someone of his extremely young age can already have such a specific personality! at this stage i can't help but feel like his little babyisms just continue to slip through my fingers like raindrops one after the other each day but then i'm blessed to have an amazingly sweet, good-mannered, agreeable child- so maybe this is not the norm for everyone. it is SO fun to watch him change, develop, and grow but in a way i really hate it. i KNOW this is the best time (as the parent) of his life right now and that scares me. my years of experience nannying all ages of children has given me a pretty good bank of knowledge to know what is coming in the years ahead. and in this case i don't think the statement "knowledge is power" rings true because, let's be honest, there's nothing I can do to avoid the inevitable. perhaps for the first time i'm really understanding why mothers have such a hard time letting their children grow older, detach. and keep the "baby" a baby as long as they can. it's such a sweet time of motherhood and, frankly, i don't want it to change. in my opinion it feels a little more like "knowledge is fear".

perhaps motherhood is the bravest position in life...

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